Terms and Conditions
As the members of Explore 70 Degrees, we will do our best to host you with memorable adventure to meet your expectations. As all our activities are nature based, which means the products are “movable”, we cannot guarantee for sights of fish, birds and mammals, and the elements midnight sun, the moon and Northern lights (which only can be seen at clear sky).
We recommend that you book in advance, but you are welcome to hand in your bookings any time, both in advance and up on arrival. Please note, if you do your booking up on arrival/drop ins’, we either might be fully booked or we have no guarantee for staff capacity.
Land based activities, lowest age 7 years old.
RiB safari, lowest age 7 and size 120cm.
All prices are given pr. person, in NOK currency(Norwegian kroner) and includes all taxes and fees. The special necessary clothing/equipment etc. for the activities are included too(note the included-list for each activity).
Children below 14 years old get 40-50% discount. Depending on the activity.
Explore 70 Degrees reserve the right to change our prices without notice. This will not affect the already booked guests.
Online booking: Pre-payment 100% when you book your activity.
We recommend all our clients to have a travel insurance, and use this in case of refund when not is covered from Explore 70 Degrees.
CANCELLATION for individual /group booking::
When cancellation, following refund will be given:
- Up to 6 days: 100%
- Pre 6 days: no refund
- No-show: no refund.
Paiment for all group bookings will be fully charged/closed 28days pre activity date. Dates closer than 28 days pre departure, there is no refund given.
CANCELLATION for Explore 70 Degrees
We reserve the right to cancel the trip due to insufficient participants, issues with booking systems (overbooking, technical issues etc), due to bad weather condition or other security issues or equipment damage/force majeure. We will do our best to find solution of options for changing time/date/destination for your activity, or we find another activity to offer. In case the given alternatives are not an option, you will of course get full refund.
Explore 70 Degrees is not responsible for other expenses you have had while preparing for this trip, such as airline tickets, accommodation, equipment or other expenses.
You are responsible for choosing a trip that is suitable according to your interest and abilities.
You are responsible for doing research of our position geographicly and be aware of the travel/transport time and method to meet when and where the activity starts.
There will be information of equipment and clothing such is needed for every activity, also what’s included or not. You are responsible for wearing the right kind of equipment and clothing adapted to the North Norwegian Arctic climate. In our region, the weather may change quickly, so it is important that you are prepared for all kinds of weather. If your equipment/clothing is not correct, it may be difficult for you to complete the trip and we serve the right to refuse your participation due to safety reasons.
You are of course responsible for your own behavior. We appreciate that you demonstrate good, respectful and with inclusive manners. We consider an open and friendly contact with other guests in the group and random local people we meet during the activity.
We demand that local laws are followed and will not tolerate the use of illegal drugs or any violation of Norwegian law. Explore 70 Degrees have the fully right to refuse participants that shows visible intoxication of alcohol/drugs.
You are self-responsible for your personal belongings, such as cellphone, camera, binoculars etc. Explore 70 Degrees will of course be helpful to do our best to help your search for the belongings that you may have lost.
In case any guests have serious health problems (fresh surgery etc.) or important medication necessary to be used in acute, please inform us before the activity starts.
We expect that you have self-knowledge to decide whether you are able to join our activities or not. This is specific physical shape and how to cope with cold temperatures. For our RiB safaris, please inform the pilot before the trip starts, whether you are pregnant or have neck/back problems.
We have the right to refuse participation if the trip is too demanding for you. In this case, full refund will be given.
Explore 70 Degrees serves the right to register some basic information on you(includes name, nationality, birth, sex and allergies etc.), to process your reservation, quality check your booking and to handle the safety routines on our RiB- activities. This information is confidential and will never be given to a third part. Explore 70 Degrees takes all precautions to ensure that this information is not misused. If you do not accept that we handle this information, we reserve us the right to reject your booking.
There will be taking photos on every activity, by staff or other guests. For our marketing, advertising and promotional purposes Explore 70 Degrees serve the rights to use these images in any medium we choose. You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use these image for publicity and promotional purposes. If for some reason you do not accept this, please let us know in advance.
Explore 70 Degrees assume no responsibility for our customers negligent or willful acts that lead to their own or others’ death, personal injury, loss, damage or deterioration of person or property.
As a guest in our activity, you accept the responsibility for your behavior is in a manner that is not disturbing for others and does not cause safety problems or practical problems for the organizer.
If your actions or neglect of action cause such damage of person or to property during the activity, or cause the delay/detour or cancel of the activity, you agree to indemnify us of all responsibility for demands (including payment for necessary working hours or legal fees) that are presented against us by any cause.
During our trips/activities, Explore 70 Degrees is not responsible for delays or unforeseen situations that will be beyond our control. Situations like natural disasters, naturally occurring events, food poisoning, illness within or outside the group, others needs of emergency assistance(along the road, at sea, out in field or other nature-made accidents), broken equipment, theft, delays(roadwork, bad weather, mechanical issues) strikes, terrorism, civil disturbance, government restrictions or other unforeseen events that delays or causes an interrupted trip. If such delays affects your personal plans and expenses after our activity, Explore 70 Degrees will not be responsible for this or any substitute to you.
For any questions, thoughts or comments please do not hesitate contact us:
Email: booking@explore70.no
Phonecall/text : +47 976 61 307